
Outside of spaceflight missions, the Hawaiʻi Space Flight Laboratory also works on technology development. HSFL is always looking for talented undergraduate and graduate students! If you are interested in working on these projects, you can reach out to Amber Imai-Hong at with your resume.

101 CubeSats

The goal of this project is to create a foundational enabler in the form of a low-cost CubeSat kit and develop an undergraduate course that transitions into an online course in the public domain. The objective of Phase 1 is to develop a kit that contains all subsystems of a fully functioning passive small satellite, or smallsat, with a target price of less than 5,000 USD to fabricate.

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COSMOS, or the Comprehensive Open-architecture Solution for Mission Operations Systems, was originally funded by NASA EPSCoR and consists of a system of open-source software applications that are designed to be easily adaptable for multiple missions and diverse operation centers.

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Planetary Surface Robots

Dr. Frances Zhu is the principal investigator of a robotic exploration research team. Currently, the team is building a small rover to ultimately test novel navigation, localization, dynamics, controls, and machine learning algorithms. This lab was founded in January of 2020

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