July 6th- July 12th
Amber’s Updates Hiapo received frequency coordination from the IARU and is one document away from getting to submit all documents to the FCC step. We also started working on the ODAR parts list for Artemis.
Amber’s Updates Hiapo received frequency coordination from the IARU and is one document away from getting to submit all documents to the FCC step. We also started working on the ODAR parts list for Artemis.
Mechanical Team Made structural parts such as the mounting board and updated the mounting holes. The Software Team The software team changed the message preamble, restructured the BeagleBone.py module, and added code for cycling power to BeagleBone until the start-up
Mechanical Team The mechanical team discusses structure considerations to modify the design to account for ISIS compatibility and deployment system. They also documented quotes from CubeSat vendors, reviewed ISIS structure and compared it to the current structure, worked on a
Mechanical Team The mechanical team ran an FEA on the updated model and updated the thermal model to the drive. The SolidWorks model has been improved and updated the OBS to include the BBB which was mounted upside down and