June 22th-28th
Kyle/ July 26, 2020/ Artemis/ 0 comments
Mechanical Team
The mechanical team discusses structure considerations to modify the design to account for ISIS compatibility and deployment system. They also documented quotes from CubeSat vendors, reviewed ISIS structure and compared it to the current structure, worked on a mass budget, and worked on a document for expected heat loads. Furthermore, they transferred Solidworks models to Onshape.
The Software Team
The software team successfully tested GPIO class for blinking LEDs and started writing PyCubed code. They also successfully wrote BeagleBone tests for blinking GPIO pin, temperature sensors, sun sensors, and switching devices by name.
The Avionics Team
The avionics team updated the OBC Eagle file by cleaning paths/traces and added grounds to all external connectors. The BOM for the PyCubed board and the BOM for the battery and PyCubed main have both been updated and finished.