NASA Partners with Hawai‘i on Space Exploration, Science
During a ceremony April 13, 2010 at the state capitol in Honolulu, Hawai‘i Governor Linda Lingle and NASA’s Ames Research Center Director S. Pete Worden signed a three-year non-reimbursable Space Act Agreement establishing a partnership for small satellite development, advanced aviation, space exploration, education, and science. The first annex of the Space Act Agreement provides for small satellite development with the Hawai‘i Space Flight Lab (HSFL) under the name of HawaiiSat. Pictured from left to right: Ted Liu (DBEDT), Rose Tseng (former U. H. Hilo Chancellor), Jim Gaines (U. H. VP Research), Pete Worden (NASA Ames Director), Brian Taylor (Dean of SOEST), Luke Flynn (Director of HSFL and Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium ), and Bob McLaren (Institute for Astronomy Associate Director). Also present were Gary Ostrander (U. H. Manoa VC Research), Peter Mouginis-Mark (Director of HIGP), Lloyd French (HSFL Missions Manager), and Leonard Gouveia (HSFL Business Manager). Read the press release from NASA. Photo courtesy of Peter Mouginis-Mark.