HSFL Aerospace Engineer Named AIAA Fellow

Miguel Nunes/ September 1, 2011/ 2011, News

Dr. Trevor C. Sorensen, HSFL project manager/specialist, was recently elected a Fellow by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Sorensen is also a Fellow of the American Astronautical Society, and in 1994 was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for his work as Lunar Mission Manager for the DoD/NASA Clementine lunar mission. Read more in the September 1,

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HSFL HawaiiSat-1 Team Passes Major Milestone

Miguel Nunes/ February 23, 2011/ 2011, News

HSFL reached a significant milestone with the successful completion of the Critical Design Review (CDR) for HawaiiSat-1. The CDR was conducted at the HSFL facilities February 22-23, 2011. This key accomplishment clears the way for the Hawaii-Sat 1 team to begin assembly, integration, and testing of the satellite during the rest of 2011. Pictured are team engineers (front row, left

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SOEST Dean Speaks About HSFL at Innovation Symposium

Miguel Nunes/ January 14, 2011/ 2011, News

Dr. Brian Taylor, Dean of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at U. H. Mānoa, spoke about HSFL at E Kamakani Noi‘i “Wind that seeks knowledge,” a symposium on innovation organized by U. H. and the U. S. National Academy of Sciences in Honolulu January 13-14, 2011. Video and slides from Dean Taylor’s presentation, “Innovative Satellite

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