The HyTI (Hyperspectral Thermal Imager) is a technology demonstration mission by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa designed to demonstrate how high spatial resolution (60 m ground resolution element), high spectral resolution (25 bands) and long-wave infrared image data can be acquired to monitor water resources using a 6U CubeSat. HyTI will map irrigated and rainfed cropland, determine crop water use and establish crop water productivity of major world crops.
The NEUTRON-1 mission will measure low energy neutron flux in the low Earth orbit (LEO) environment in efforts to gather new science data. The data gathered by a 3U CubeSat platform can contribute to understanding the complex relationship between Earth and Sun through mapping neutron abundances LEO. In combination with data obtained by other spacecraft and ground-based measurement stations, we will evaluate the variability of galactic cosmic radiation as a function of solar variability.
The goal of this project is to create a foundational enabler in the form of a low-cost CubeSat kit and develop an undergraduate course that transitions into an online course in the public domain. The objective of Phase 1 is to develop a kit that contains all subsystems of a fully functioning passive small satellite, or smallsat, with a target price of less than 5,000 USD to fabricate.